certification of companies for plant protection products
OCACIA is accredited by the COFRAC (scope available on www.cofrac.fr) and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture since March 1st, 2013
OCACIA is accredited by the COFRAC (scope available on www.cofrac.fr) and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture since March 1st, 2013
Object and context of the certification :
Under the Grenelle II environmental program, the Ecophyto plan foresees the reduction of the use of pesticides in France, in order to control risks to public health and the environment. In order to achieve this objective, regulatory requirements came into force in 2011 (Decree No. 2011-1325 of 18 October 2011 laying down the conditions for issuing, renewing, suspending and withdrawing business authorizations and individual certificates for implementing Sale, free distribution, application and advice to the use of plant protection products).
They state that companies invoicing a product or service related to plant protection products (PPPs) must obtain an authorization authorizing their activity. An audit is required for the issuance of this business authorization.
Who is involved in this certification ?
The certification of companies concerns 4 types of activity :
- Application in service delivery of PPP (ETA, landscapers, 3D ...) ;
- Distribution of PPPs to professional users (agricultural cooperatives and trade, GIE, etc.) ;
- Distribution of PPP to the general public (retail, garden centers, DIY stores ...) ;
- Independent advice to the use of PPPs (private advisers, management centers, chambers of agriculture, AAC, etc.).
What are the obligations associated with certification ?
To obtain approval, companies must submit an application to the DRAAF in their region by completing a CERFA 14581 form and respecting the following conditions :
- Have liability insurance for the activity requested ;
- Have signed a contract with an accredited certifying body ;
- Obtain certification from that accredited certifying body ;
- Have an appropriate individual certificate = certiphyto (for all persons involved in the activities requested)
The stages of certification :
- Request a quote from OCACIA via the application form to download
- Signing of the contract with OCACIA
- Documentary audit to obtain favorable opinion
- Submission to the DRAAF of the request for provisional approval
- Programming of the initial audit within 6 months of obtaining the provisional approval
- Certification obtained for the initial cycle of 3 years, after regularization of possible deviations
- Sending to the DRAAF the certificate obtained
- Schedule follow-up audit within 18 months, + or - 4 months from initial certification date
- Schedule Renewal Audit Prior to Initial Certificate Maturity Date
- Certification obtained for the renewal cycle of 6 years, after regularization of possible deviations
- Sending the certificate to the DRAAF
- Schedule follow-up audit within 24 and 48 months, + or - 4 months following certification renewal date.