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Agricultural Products

In a context where the consumer is always looking for a benchmark to "consume better", OCACIA proposes to you:

- Valorize your agricultural and agri-food products by Official Signs of Quality and Origin (SIQO).
- Differentiate your agricultural and agri-food products from standard products thanks to the Certification Product Compliance (PCC).

Agricultural Practices

As a specialist in upstream farming, OCACIA has been working with farmers and producer groups / cooperatives for several years to recognize their good agricultural practices. Our expertise in good professional practices is recognized in many productions.

From today :

- Enhance your technical efforts by demonstrating the reasonableness of your production by qualifying your operation under the Agriculture Raisonnée and prepare its recognition High Environmental Value.
- Demonstrate your environmental, hygienic and human commitments by a certifying your production according to the GLOBALG.A.P. standard (in partnership with TÜV Nord Integra).

Business organization

Since 2002, OCACIA carries out audits of collective or individual management systems, with SMEs, Agricultural and Public Works Enterprises, individual farms or grouped together in Association.

Management system certification - such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 – can demonstrate the performance of an organization set up by a company in relation to a concern such as the quality of a Product or service, environmental impact, ...