The certification process in Organic Farming
How to be certified in Organic Farming ? Contact OCACIA, an accredited certifying body for the certification of your organic products!
What is Organic Farming?
Organic farming is a mode of agricultural production which, while guaranteeing a high quality standard for certified products, is part of a process of respect for natural balances, biodiversity and animal well-being.
This mode of production excludes the use of GMOs, limits the use of inputs and strictly restricts the use of synthetic chemicals.
AB certification provides proof of your commitment to a global and sustainable approach that is gaining support from a growing number of consumers.
AB certification meets the requirements of European regulation 2018/848 and these implementing regulations, supplemented by additional national provisions for certain products.
To market products from organic farming, the operator (producer, processor, distributor, importer, restaurateur) must be controlled by an independent and recognized certifying body. This approach concerns plant and animal products as well as processed products.
Who can access to AB certification?
Organic Agriculture certification is a process in which operators voluntarily commit to respecting rigorous specifications.
This certification is aimed at all actors in the agricultural and agri-food sector, from producers to processors, including distributors, whether in plant production or animal production. Details of the categories of products certifiable by Ocacia according to the scope of its accreditation and approval are available on page 3 of the general procedure.
What are steps of AB certification?
Here are the steps of the AB certification:

AB certification is organized on an annual cycle, by calendar year. A complete audit is carried out each year by an auditor to ensure compliance with organic regulations in your company.
Additional checks may also be carried out based on a risk analysis. These checks can be carried out without prior notice. The auditor may also be required to take samples for analysis on the products to be certified.
Ask for a quote
Do you want to commit your farm or business to organic certification, or do you want to change certifying bodies?
The request form producer form or processor/distributor form) must be returned to us completed so that we can draw up an estimate corresponding to your request.
OCACIA is a certifying body accredited by COFRAC ( scope available on ) and approved by INAO under number FR-BIO-20 in Organic Farming.
The details of the certification procedures are available in the general procedure G12. This procedure concerns initial requests and requests for extension of AB certification, changes of certifying body, but also AB waiver procedures.
All the documents (European, French regulations, etc.) applicable to the certification of the organic production method are listed in the certification program.
European texts :
the basic regulation n°2018/848 and its implementing regulations are available on the website of the European Commission. These regulations replace, as of January 1, 2022, the previous organic regulations (889-2008 and 834-2007) :
French texts :
French specifications, reading and labeling guide, input guide, directives, decisions and circulars are available on the INAO website :
As part of an AB certification process, the operator must comply with the requirements and regulatory texts. It is up to him to find out about the applicable production rules and regulations, but OCACIA is of course available to operators to provide them with these texts on request.
Formulaire Agriculture Biologique : Producteur
Formulaire Agriculture Biologique : Transformateur/Distributeur
Programme de certification Agriculture Biologique
Les textes présents dans le programme de certification sont disponibles sur demande auprès d'OCACIA.
Modalités de certification Mode de production biologique
Liste des activités accréditées en portée flexible BIO